KPU Citizen Journalism 1220
8391 Fairdell Crescent,
Richmond, B.C. V7C1W5
February 23, 2018
Archives & Records Management Department
Maggie Benston Student Serives Building (MBC) 0400
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, B.C., Canada V5A 1S6
Dear SFU Information and Privacy Officer,
Under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, I am requesting that you provide me with the following records:
- All formal complaints and/or number of complaints made by SFU students and staff regarding sexual harassment and/or assault on either Burnaby or Vancouver campuses since January 1, 2012.
Please supply me with these documents via email in a PDF format as to avoid photocopying fees.
Elizabeth Douglas, Reporter
KPU Citizen Journalism 1220
I decided to choose an FOI request involving acts of sexual violence and assault on university campuses due to both current events, and personal reasons relating to the topic. There have been multiple reports in the last few months relating to sexual harassment allegations at BC Universities, such as UBC and UBCO. Regarding the choice of university for my request, a teammate of mine was recently sexually assaulted by their SFU professor on campus. Prior to these instances, I had been considering taking courses at SFU, and I wanted to know whether this was a recurring issue at this specific university. I did some additional research on SFU's history with sexual assault allegations and I came across articles from the CBC and Global News about past acts of sexual violence at the University. Despite the prior events, I hope to find out whether this university is taking steps to make its campuses safer, or whether my teammate's experience was only one of many other sexual assault cases that will continue to occur.
I just think you could've been more specific with the date so maybe say from January 1, 2012 till January 1, 2018 or so. Also, if some of the articles you read were added or so, it would've been better and showed more support to what you want to find out.
ReplyDeleteThere are hyperlinks to the articles I read in the last paragraph. Thank you for the insight.
DeleteI like the motive behind the FOI request, I feel like it's important to bring awareness to such issues. Specially if they are happening so close to us. However I feel like the dates you've chosen could be narrowed down or done in separate parts to lower the cost of the fees.
ReplyDeleteI really like the reason why you choose this FOI, how this reason is very personal to you, and I also think that the dates could have been narrowed down to reduce cost.
ReplyDeleteI agree with your reason for doing this FOI request. Sexual assault has been a major issue for some universities in the Lower Mainland.